The cover: hot off the press . . .
The text: ready to go on press . . .
The text: rolling off the press . . .
enjoy the sight and sound of the press room
unfortunately, no smell of ink . . . technology still has its limitations
This morning at 9 AM, Above All, Love went on press at Color House Graphics here in Grand Rapids. Having my first book published is exciting, but having Color House print it makes it especially meaningful. Color House was started by Ken Postema and Bill Landheer, former publishing colleagues at Zondervan, and Bill's son, Steve, in September 1987, the same month that Paul Hillman, Judith Markham, and I founded Blue Water Ink.
In addition, the book was published by Discovery House, also founded in 1987 when RBC Ministries hired two other former Zondervan colleagues, Bob DeVries and Carol Holquist, to get it started. Bob has retired, and Carol is now the publisher.
Also, due to a rather convoluted set of circumstances beginning with 9-11, Judy Markham, my mentor, friend, and former business partner, is now the managing editor at Discovery House, so she was my editor.
In the past 20 years, we have combined our talents on many projects in our individual roles as editor, publisher, and printer. But this is my first time working with everyone in my new role as author. I am delighted to have them as my editor, publisher, and printer.
Above All, Love
The Risk of Writing
The Best Worst Book Ever
If ever there were an example of why publishing houses were, are, and will continue to be necessary, Aaron Rayburn, author of The Shadow God, has (unintentionally) provided it. By writing and self-publishing what one reviewer called "the worst book ever written," Rayburn has affirmed the need for publishing houses and their traditional role—to serve as gatekeepers to help keep really bad books from making their way to bookstore shelves.
Every now and then, it's good to be reminded that editors provide a vital service. It's also a good warning to wannabe authors that self-publishing is not for anyone with a fragile psyche.
And for those of us who write and speak about writing, a really good example of bad writing is always fun to find.
Love: A Holy Command
Compiled by Blue Water Ink
Recently published by Discovery House Publishers
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