Zondervan Buys onthecity.org from Mars Hill Church

Our church could sure use this! I wonder when it will be available. It looks better (and easier) than Facebook. Go here to watch a video demonstration.

Sherwood Wirt

The San Diego Christian Writer's Guild reports the death of founder Sherwood Wirt on November 8.

Good Example of Bad Layout

Business may be bad in the furniture industry, but not so bad that they're using their trucks to steal baby food!

This was on the front page of woodtv.com earlier today. In journalism school, we call this very careless juxtaposition of headlines and photos.

Letter to Losers

Depending on your political persuasion, you will either be glad or sad when the results of today’s presidential election are made known. Those whose candidate wins will be amenable to the idea of submitting to the authority of the government he establishes. Most others will submit, but they may have trouble following the guidelines established for Christians by the apostle Paul.

In a letter to Titus, who was working among believers on the island of Crete, a place notorious for its unruly inhabitants, Paul wrote that Christians should not only submit to ruling authorities but also be peaceable, considerate, and to do good without slandering anyone. Based on what we know about the immorality in ancient Crete, there were good reasons to say bad things about people living and ruling there, but Paul warned Christians not to do it.

In fact, seven times in the short letter, Paul mentioned the importance of doing good instead (loving what is good, 1:8; teaching what is good, 2:3; doing what is good, 2:7, 14, 3:1, 8, 14).

Paul’s letter is a timely reminder that Christians are to do what is good for people whether or not we approve of their values or agree with their policies. It may not be easy, but it’s the right thing to do.


Christians are a constructive force in society when we refuse to be destructive in our speech and behavior.